What is the New Zealand Hall of Fame for Women Entrepreneurs?
Created by Co.OfWomen in 2012, the New Zealand Hall of Fame for Women Entrepreneurs Te Whare Whakahōnore i Ngā Rakahinonga Wāhine o Aotearoa celebrates the success of women entrepreneurs in Aotearoa. These are women who are breaking down barriers, chasing their goals, creating change and a lasting impact on the world.
Each year we take the time to honour and celebrate these women, inducting 3 wāhine into the esteemed ranks of the Hall of Fame.
By recognising and celebrating the accomplishments of these women, we applaud their hard work and efforts, and create accessible examples for women as a source of encouragement to women working on their own success.
Te Ao Māori
Co.OfWomen holds a deep respect for Te Ao Māori and from the very start, we began to reflect this in the ceremony. We are deeply thankful and have aroha nui for Kiri Nathan MNZM, Kim Muriwai, Miriama Kamo and all the wāhine Maori within our community who continue to guide us.We are also proud to engage with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei who take part in the annual ceremonies and provide oversight and direction on the use of Te Ao Māori for this.
Kim Muriwai led the development for the te reo translation of the full hall of fame name, consulting with other reo experts as there was no specific word in Māori for women entrepreneurs.KARAKIA
In 2017, Stacey and Scotty Morrison crafted a powerful Karakia specific to the Hall of Fame kaupapa and gifted this to Co.OfWomen for use in the opening of each ceremony.KĀKAHU
Three Kākahu (cloaks), a modernised Korowai, are used in the annual ceremony have been designed and hand made by Kiri Nathan MNZM and carry the names of all inductees over the years.POUNAMU
Inductees receive a Pounamu in a unique kouma (breastplate). It features 3 notches representing the inductee, those who came before and those who will follow, carved by Jason Nathan KiriNathan.comThe Ceremony
Inductees join the ranks of the esteemed women previously inducted and are recognised for their accomplishments at the annual New Zealand Hall of Fame for Women Entrepreneurs ceremony.
The ceremony features three kākahu that are transferred to the incoming inductees during the ceremony. These precious taonga have been designed and made by KiriNathan.com. The kākahu have the name of each of the previous inductees sown into the inside of the cloak and each year the new inductees are added to this. As at 2023 this includes 37 wāhine toa inducted since 2012. Each inductee is gifted a pounamu also designed by KiriNathan.com. The pounamu is a unique kōuma (breastplate) design specifically for the Hall of Fame that features a recurring three-notch design around the circumference, representing the women who have come before, the present inductees being honoured and the women who will come after.
TE REO & Karakia
Kim Muriwai led the development of the Māori version of the name. This involved consultation with other reo experts as there was no specific word for 'women entrepreneur'.Kim also crafted the welcome mihi for our Founder which
is used at the opening of each ceremony and unique to Tara
and to the Hall of Fame setting.
In 2017, renowned reo proponents Stacey and Scotty Morrison crafted a Karakia specifically for the Hall of Fame. The Karakia is used as part of the opening of each ceremony and recited together by all in attendance.
Kākahu & Pounamu
Three Kākahu (cloak), a modern take on a traditional Korowai, used in the annual ceremony were commissioned from globally renowned wāhine Maori fashion designer, Kiri Nathan MNZM. Each Kākahu features 5000-7000 feathers hand sewn into each.Following each ceremony, the names of all inductees are sewn inside the Kākahu. There are currently 31 names inside each cloak as three women have been inducted each year and four in the 2021 ceremony in recognition of its tenth year celebration.
Each inductee is gifted a Pounamu. These are carved in a unique kouma (breastplate) design by master carver Jason Nathan. The Pounamu has a recurring three notch design around the circumference representing the women who have gone before, the inductees and the women who will come after.
Make Your Nomination for 2025
Nominations are welcomed by all.
>>Email yours along with the information on how your nominee meets each of the criteria below to: marketing@coofwomen.biz
business success
has achieved significant national/global success - the business is mature or exitedimpact on industry
business endeavours have had a significant, tangible impact on their industrysupporting women
involved with initiatives dedicated to championing female successmaking a difference
applies resources/profits for the good of others / is philanthropicSELECTION PANEL
Our selection panel is convened annually by founder Tara Lorigan and is chaired by Dr Lee Mathias. The panel features Co.OfWomen board member and Hall of Fame Inductees.
"It's about working on being a great mum, and businesswoman."
Megan May | Little Bird Organics