“it’s about getting the word out about the diversity of our success and championing even more of it”
Women Entrepreneurs Week creates awareness of the diversity of our success and stimulates discussion on its characteristics.
To find out about how to participate email marketing@coofwomen.biz
2019 initiatives
new issue of co. magazine + new plans announced!
Another how-to packed issue of co. magazine focused on funding business growth was fronted by flossie.com founder, Jenene Crossan.Membership Give Away
To champion the success of every woman, we gave our LITE membership away free, for life, to any women who signed up during the week.2019 induction ceremony
We were thrilled to induct (from right) Peri Drysdale, Mavis Mullins and Dame Pieter Stewart into the New Zealand Hall of Fame for Women Entrepreneurs on March 7 in 2018 in a truly moving ceremony. Three more awesome entrepreneurs join the current 21 inductees this year.our digital series expands
LegUP is a skills, habits & mindset video series focused squarely on the how-to of our success. A fantastic new addition to our platform that features videos, podcasts, stories & tools and features 100% our women.earlier initiatives
top business advisor joins board
Co.OfWomen are thrilled to announce the appointment of Joanna (Jo) Doolan to our board.Jo is one of the country's foremost business advisors and a hands-on champion of entrepreneurs. Her contributions were recognised by the New Zealand Hall of Fame for Entrepreneurs in 2014, conferring specific honour.
National events
The week kicks off with the annual inc!te event in Auckland gathering hundreds of women from across the country. The event studies the entrepreneurial pursuits through the experiences of three business owners Debbie Sutton (Wine Friend), Monica Chen (Uno Property Management) and Jessie Jarvie (The Baby Bag) and includes a live mentoring session facilitated by Theresa Gattung and Sarah Paykel (pictured).launch of co. magazine
We launched co. (said ‘company’) to reach women everywhere with the message of success that's more than inspiration. It’s digital, so it’s easy to share, and free so all women, everywhere can have access to it.The magazine is 100% developed and executed by a Co.OfWomen members and features our members who share what they know for the benefit of other women.
New Membership offering
Women Entrepreneurs Week 2017 sees the launch of a new digital membership offering designed to add to the success journey of women across the globe.It is 100% relevant, local, entrepreneurial women who share relevant stories, tools and resources to champion the success of fellow women. It's about perspiration with inspiration as the success formula.
women entrepreneurs week activities across the years
Pictured below at the inaugural inc!te event that launched Co.OfWomen are experienced entrepreneurs (from right) Carmel Fisher, Trelise Cooper, Sharon Hunter, Anita Finnigan and Dr Lee Mathias.
Former Prime Minister, John Key officially launches Women Entrepreneurs Week with the then Minister for Womens Affairs, Jo Goodhew to (Prime Minister pictured with Co.OfWomen founding Chair Lee Mathias (left) and founder Tara Lorigan)
The Governor General, Dame Patsy Reddy, officiates at the 2017 Induction Ceremony of Karen Walker, Carmel FIsher and Audette Exel into the New Zealand Hall of Fame for Women Entrepreneurs.
"It's about working on being a great mum, and businesswoman."
Megan May | Little Bird Organics